The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery

This is a well-known children's novel from the mid-nineteenth century. I'm curious about all the recognised good stories and their authors. So I picked this to match the vibe of the country, 'France', that I visited. The story of 'The Little Prince' is unrelated to France, but the author, 'Antoine De Saint-Exupery, is.

Before WWII, he was a pilot and a French writer and poet. The protagonist is likewise a pilot who fell into the Sahara desert; therefore, I presumed this was based on the author's real-life aircraft experience in 1935 when he crashed into the Libyan desert with a touch of his creativity and embellishment.

He had written this book when he was away from his home country after losing his brother. His anguish was mirrored in the story, showing how he must have torn himself apart while writing it. I felt the author was teasing me: 'You are a grown-up; you can't understand this story. If you want to, read as an innocent child'. It did so much for me.

Have you read this book and felt like me?
